"Do you feel like you live in a nation of Idiots"? That was the first question Michael Moore asks his readers in the story Idiot Nation. Maybe telling us, we ARE the idiots? Yes, I do think their are alot of stupid people but more smart Americans than Idiots. I was not surprised to read Moore bashing on Americans stupidity, but as I kept reading I was surprised on what he had to say. First of all who does he think he is calling all these people out when Moore himself didn't even finish school. What he was too smart for school? So everyone else that didn't finish school is an idiot? Pssht Obviously. Then Moore backed himself up with all of these interesting facts, about schools, teachers, our president even race. and I tryed looking at this from his perspective. Maybe I can see why he sees this as an idiot nation. His voice is powerful and loud which makes you fell like you have to either agree with him or totally hate him. I actually really liked what he had to say. Doesn't mean i agree with the guy, Pretty much think he's a (you know) but this is what we need, controversy!
I agree with you. I was wondering where he got the idea that everyone here is an idiot. And, you bring up a very good point that he never finished school. I do think that he just thinks he is too good to have to finish school.