Soo this This Was A funny article to read, Ehrenriech's experiment was to find out how one lives off two crumby jobs makin minamin wage. An eye opener, especially for me since it related to my life. I am a server at THE ROADHOUSE making $2.13 an hour (- all taxes) Pretty much just living off tips can be extremely rough and wont get me far for sure!! So yes, i have picked up a second job buut determined not to drop out of school & and become very successful. (unless i become FAMOUS)! :) haha joke buuut this was really funny to read because every restaurant seems to be the same in a way. We to put up with a "BJ" , the mean one who bosses everyone around. The boss who always thinks they can push everyone around with out helping out...etc. It made me laugh at some of the people she described walking into Jerry's, we get alot of wwjd peeps passin out "you can b saved" cards, and i always feel like wow do i seem like a devil child or what? I also can totally relate to the smelly bra that smells like steak and fried cactus blossom by the end of every shift. Sooo, its this life we want? Living day by day in routine working two jobs getting triple sat by yelling, hungry customers everyday finding every reason to complain? Man, I love serving and it's a good flexible job while I'm single going to school and don't have a family to pay for, but I definitely do not want to do this for the rest of my life! nor did Enrenriech as she found out by walking out and quiting by the end of the story. So before we decide we are too broke for school rethink that and remember to never give up, it will all be worth it in the end.
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15 years ago