Saturday, February 28, 2009

Serving In FLO-Rida (p.294)

Soo this This Was A funny article to read, Ehrenriech's experiment was to find out how one lives off two crumby jobs makin minamin wage. An eye opener, especially for me since it related to my life. I am a server at THE ROADHOUSE making $2.13 an hour (- all taxes) Pretty much just living off tips can be extremely rough and wont get me far for sure!! So yes, i have picked up a second job buut determined not to drop out of school & and become very successful. (unless i become FAMOUS)! :) haha joke buuut this was really funny to read because every restaurant seems to be the same in a way. We to put up with a "BJ" , the mean one who bosses everyone around. The boss who always thinks they can push everyone around with out helping out...etc. It made me laugh at some of the people she described walking into Jerry's, we get alot of wwjd peeps passin out "you can b saved" cards, and i always feel like wow do i seem like a devil child or what? I also can totally relate to the smelly bra that smells like steak and fried cactus blossom by the end of every shift. Sooo, its this life we want? Living day by day in routine working two jobs getting triple sat by yelling, hungry customers everyday finding every reason to complain? Man, I love serving and it's a good flexible job while I'm single going to school and don't have a family to pay for, but I definitely do not want to do this for the rest of my life! nor did Enrenriech as she found out by walking out and quiting by the end of the story. So before we decide we are too broke for school rethink that and remember to never give up, it will all be worth it in the end.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Structure what Sentence.. pssht :)

In writing i am everywhere... great ideas rambled all together doesnt make an A+ paper. example.... its like taking all the finest yummiest ingredients and mixing them up all together in a bowel, doesn't neccisarly mean its going to turn out yummy. That is why there are rules, instructions(cook books) to help our goodies(paper) to turn out right! but check this out see if you know the difference between a simple sentence, compound sentence,complex or compound sentence.

try this "simple" exercise to help with Sentence Stucture GOOOOOD LUCK YO!

Ottawa is the capital of Canada, but Toronto is the capital of Ontario.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

Democracy is a noble goal; it is important, however, to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

I do not own a Porsche.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

Call your father as soon as you arrive in Antigonish.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

I ate the sushi and left the restaurant.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

Unless my girlfriend postpones her visit from Calgary, I will not have time to study for my exam.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

Susanne wanted to be here, but she cannot come because her car is in the shop.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

The football game was cancelled because it was raining.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

The football game was cancelled because of the rain.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

When the train arrives and if Ms. Langlois is on it, she will be served with a subpoena.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound-Complex Sentence

Monday, February 23, 2009

Do to the fact I dont ever use Hyphens... this ones for Chelsi

Hyphens eh? I don't think I ever use these when writing papers? Soo I looked up How & where do use the little guys & this is what i found.

Rule 1.
To check whether a compound noun is two words, one word, or hyphenated, you may need to look it up in the dictionary. If you can't find the word in the dictionary, treat the noun as separate words.
eyewitness, eye shadow, eye-opener
Rule 2.
Phrases that have verb, noun, and adjective forms should appear as separate words when used as verbs and as one word when used as nouns or adjectives.
That Superfund site will require specialized cleanup procedures. (adjective)
Rule 3.
Compound verbs are either hyphenated or appear as one word. If you do not find the verb in the dictionary, hyphenate it.
To air-condition the house will be costly.
We were notified that management will downsize the organization next year.
Rule 4.
Generally, hyphenate between two or more adjectives when they come before a noun and act as a single idea.
friendly-looking man (compound adjective in front of a noun)
friendly little girl (not a compound adjective)
brightly lit room (Brightly is an adverb describing lit, not an adjective.)
Rule 5.
When adverbs not ending in -ly are used as compound words in front of a noun, hyphenate. When the combination of words is used after the noun, do not hyphenate.
The well-known actress accepted her award.
Well is an adverb followed by another descriptive word. They combine to form one idea in front of the noun.
The actress who accepted her award was well known.Well known follows the noun it describes, so no hyphen is used.
A long-anticipated decision was finally made.
He got a much-needed haircut yesterday.
His haircut was much needed.
Rule 6.
Remember to use a comma, not a hyphen, between two adjectives when you could have used and between them.
I have important, classified documents.
Jennifer received a lovely, fragrant bouquet on Valentine's Day.
Rule 7.
Hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine.
The teacher had thirty-two children in her classroom.
Only twenty-one of the children were bilingual.
Rule 8.
Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions.
You need one-third of a cup of sugar for that recipe.
More than one-half of the student body voted for removing soda machines from campus.
Hyphens with Prefixes

Now watch out I might use these too often! haha

Sunday, February 15, 2009

blah blah blah tell me What it is, NOT What Yooou think it is.....

I thought the article "The roots of debate in Education and the Hope of Dialogue" by Deborah Tannan was very interesting. Tannan talked alot about how women didn't respond as much as men did in thier college classes. (3WOMAN to 8MEN! Come on girls.. we need to speak up!?) This surprised me, I thought woman always threw their two cents about everything, expecialy when a controversial agrgument approached her? I know I do. I agree 100% with Tannan that i don't care what the other person is saying or if the other person has the right answer, I LOVE to argue to prove , that "IM RIGHT"! We tend to ignore our opponents facts and only focus on what we're trying to get out and pursue the other person that YOU are right. Tannan says, students are taught that they must disprove other's arguments in order to be original & to keep their independence. True. Is that what we are soposed to do? If So, how do we catch the attention and pursue? Well in this article she talks about different ways of debate in college. They use poetry by pursueing by emotion, but it was said "to be unfair persuasive tactics". What about Learning by fighting?... Does arguing your point in an yelling match get us anywhere? I don't think so, if anything it makes people even more mad to stop listening to what the other person even says and just throw out your crazy opinions louder and more FALSE. So how does Tannan suggest we move beyond this argumental culture?.... She quotes, "Most theories are wrong not in what they assert but what they deny." We need to be open to others opinions. Read as if we believed! Open our mind, widen our view of debate. We DON"T have to make others wrong to prove that were right....
I think debate is a great... everyone has a different oppion ad some the same, but instead of trying to win a debate match we do need to use our imaginations, speak up ladies, ask questions if we dont get something, listen more to others oppions and maybe we'll get the Answer....


confused by these words?

Click on them & it shows how to use each word properly!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Against School, or Against Childhood?

In the article Against School, The Rhetorical Triangle, Gatto being the communicator, me being the audience and the message he's sending, was that school is not needed and that it's boring for the kids and also teachers. First Gatto asks, "Do we really need school?, I don't mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day five days a week"? It was sad to hear that here's a guy that has been teaching thirty years of his life, and hated it! So Why did he stay? We need good teachers who love what they do. I truly believe that you can tell when a teacher really loves what they are teaching, creating a more fun and interesting environment for their students and themselves as a teacher to want to be at school. He also talks about the unschooled rose to be admirals. Are schools just there to train children to be employees and consumers? Do kids need to learn how to become more independent limiting their childhood? Do we need to become inventors, writers or even scholars at such a young age?! D. Cubberly said childhood was extended by two to six years by going to school. He says we are cable to be something big by age 13, and schooling is just in the way. But Man why would we want to? Let kids be kids, those are the best days of our lives! Righhhht? I loved school, living carefree being around your friends everyday not paying for anything! I would've hated being home schooled! But after disagreeing with everything Gatto was saying, he came out with something that was really interesting, On page 156 Inglis tells the purpose of schooling in six functions. 1. The adjective 2. The intergrating 3. The differentiating 5. The selective and 6. The propaedeutic Functions. I can see where he's coming from now, here I am 22 and still going to "unnecessary" schooling not getting far. All these functions broke down what our role is, what were supposed to be, do, and how to act, even what groups we need to fit in. Although I still disagree with him that schools are a negative outcome in ones life, I'm finding myself to agree that maybe we can be something more, if we start young..... get away from all the socialites, same routine bull crap? Are our schools really laboratories of experimentation on young minds? Maybe letting our children manage themselves is a good idea.........

I didn't see all the elements of Rhetorical used as much in the story, I just wanna be Average. To me this situation was THE communicator? Mike Rose talks about his life growing up sharing his experiences growing up with us.(being the audience) Rose shares stories about kids and teachers while going through school. Whether it was getting through school being fearful to get beat by a teacher, stoned, frustrated or just plain bored. He talks about his classmates, classified in some group. You've got your geeks, jocks, the stupids, smarties and the average Joe. Two that stuck in mind there was Ted, a chunky, loud baseball player that wasn't getting good grades, and Ken the good looking one who he looked up to that said, "I just wanna be Average". Is this what we want, to be just an Averge Joe? He brought up a few teachers that hated their jobs as much as the students hated being there. School for Rose was a tremendously distorting place to get caught up day dreaming, until he had a teacher, McFarland who got him interested in reading. McFarland gave Ros hope to be more than the Average Joe, to go somewhere in life. He helped this C average boy get into college. The message was his strong point, Do we want to be just Average ? Or find our strengths and make it a goal to succeed! This kind of reminded me of the movie Freedom Writers in a way.... Their teacher was an inspiration, she made them want to be at school and inspire them to want to learn and graduate. That's what we need... teachers who actually love what they do, care about their students and maybe school would have a whole new out look?


Instead of reading on and on about complete nonsense, wouldn't we rather want the author or even the speaker to get right to the point? In writing i think we love to ramble on with useless information so we can hit that 5 page mark, but it makes your paper boring and we need to know when words should be taken out! I know I am very bad with this. I will re read what I just wrote and be like I could summerize those three senteces to one! I was thinking this is just as important in writing your speech or talk. The most boring talks are when they ramble with useless words, when make it short and simple, but interesting it catches peoples attention fast! We should take this into consideration people... dont use more, it JUST BORES! haha (okay that was lame I just made that up) :)

Here are some examples found on www.

  • would like to assert that the author should be considered to be a buffoon.
  • The author is a buffoon.

  • It would be safe to say that Gregor Samsa is not the only character in Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis to undergo drastic changes.
  • Gregor Samsa is not the only character in Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis to undergo drastic change.

  • Before going to the supermarket, we made a list of the groceries we needed in order to make the food that we intended to eat for dinner.
  • Before going to the supermarket, we made a list of groceries that we needed to prepare dinner.

  • Wednesday, February 4, 2009

    Moore Idiots?

    "Do you feel like you live in a nation of Idiots"? That was the first question Michael Moore asks his readers in the story Idiot Nation. Maybe telling us, we ARE the idiots? Yes, I do think their are alot of stupid people but more smart Americans than Idiots. I was not surprised to read Moore bashing on Americans stupidity, but as I kept reading I was surprised on what he had to say. First of all who does he think he is calling all these people out when Moore himself didn't even finish school. What he was too smart for school? So everyone else that didn't finish school is an idiot? Pssht Obviously. Then Moore backed himself up with all of these interesting facts, about schools, teachers, our president even race. and I tryed looking at this from his perspective. Maybe I can see why he sees this as an idiot nation. His voice is powerful and loud which makes you fell like you have to either agree with him or totally hate him. I actually really liked what he had to say. Doesn't mean i agree with the guy, Pretty much think he's a (you know) but this is what we need, controversy!

    Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    Fun Rules For CAPITALIZING!

    Definition: Capitalization- is writing a word with its first letter as a majuscule (upper-case letter) and the remaining letters in minuscules (lower-case letters), in those writing systems which have a case distinction.

    Where do we need to capitalize letters? We all know when you start a sentence we need to capitalize the letter, also Names, titles of books or even places but check out these fun rules i found on when and where to use capitalization!