Friday, January 9, 2009

Like, What's The Prob?

Do you remember, back in middle school we had good grammar, used spelling correctly, and good punctuation was essential? It seemed we knew how to speak correctly, therefore our writing was more clear. How lazy have we become! Our generation talks to one another with improper grammar, using "like" way too much in a sentence. We are forgetting ending to words (such as gettin..i mean common, wheres the G)! I think cell phones have a huge effect on this! They are more popular than ever and texting is taking over!! I think that how we communicate to one another has a huge impact on how we write in our papers. We are abbreviating everything, using incorrect grammar, and ourspelling let alone wrong punctuations, Using them all over the place. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but I need def..... I MEAN defiantly need help with that!

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