Monday, April 20, 2009

America the Hated?

In the story "America the Beautiful Dinesh D'Souza Shared a different perspective on America than the "average person" would perceive America. (Who even said America was a HER anyway?) I knew America was hated but i thought it was more of a jealous hate than and absolute hate for this country. I am so proud to be an American, we take each day we live for granite. Although it seems like life is getting crazy and Americans are getting too outta control ... we cant complain We have so much. Most importantly we have our freedom.
One thing that stood out the most was, D'Souza says on page 776 "that many believe that the Americans are divided people: NOT EVEN A NATION, but a collection of separate tribes!" This made me think. Does America stand for one? I do believe that we as Americans have our own voice our own choice and we do things in tribes , or "groups" maybe but when it comes to America, wheather we are fighting for our country or when something bad has happened we reunite and help one another out... AND stand for one. I guess I don't know as much as i should about other country's... Do they all stand as one? Because from what i know Other country's are fighting themselves? :/ hmmm? That is why America has so many Immigrants right? We are the COUNTRY everyone wants to live in?... I do! "America is the greatest, freest, and most decent society in existence" History is to be made and I am proud to be apart of it... AS AN AMERICAN! :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like America is a nation that stands as one, but only through tragic situations. Whenever things are going good, it's everyone for themselves, no one wants to help anyone out or do anything nice for anyone and we are kind of like tribes. But then when things like 9/11 happen then America comes together as one nation and works together for a little while. Then, after a bit people get selfish again and they go back to working in their own little tribes again. I think that it is a cycle that has been going on for hundred's of years and will continue to go on for thousand's more.
